Monday, July 27, 2009

Oh where or where art thou?

I recently logged onto my blog and saw that it had been horribly neglected for almost a month. This was not what I had envisioned when I started this. I honestly thought I would be on here at least 1 x a week writing and sharing my thoughts and bits and pieces of our life as a mosaic of different people brought together as one family. Little did I know, that when I embarked on this little adventure that life would begin spinning out of control!

Since the conception of this blog we have battled issues with our children that has run the gamut of petty theft to mental breakdowns. We have had our 16 year old boys (not twins) each take turns at running when they didn't like being confronted on their behaviors or lies. We are currently in the midst of this situation with our son Ben who having been caught in a myriad of lies and sneaking up after midnight when all were in be to watch porn on the Internet. Instead of facing his misdeeds and taking responsibility he instead ran out the door and has been gone for over 24 hours now. He had earlier last week stolen money from the till of his place of work and been caught playing with fire. We don't know what has been causing him to take this path but have been praying without ceasing that God will reverse this and bring him home for healing and making our family whole again. It is like a piece of the mosaic has fallen off and the picture just doesn't look the same without it. Our hearts our breaking but we are still believing for a happy ending.

It has been a battle for us but we have the promise of restoration and deliverance and believe that for our family. On the good note, the other 16 year old Jake has stabilized and is doing very well. It is really a day at a time process but one that we know will reap wonderful results if we stay steadfast and resolved. Each of our precious little pieces are so worth everything we go through, so we keep fighting and believing.

I realize that no matter what the outcome our beautiful art that we call our family, will continue to be as beautiful as before. Like most great mosaics we are a work in progress, God continues to change and mold each piece to shine like never before and for every piece that gets lost all effort is made to find it and place it back where it belongs. For those pieces that are lost to us, (at least in this world!) God finds a way to put different and new pieces that might change the landscape just a little but makes it even more beautiful!

I will try to be more faithful to this little blog, not because I have to but because I really believe that one day someone will run across these words and hopefully they will help, encourage or just make someone smile who is going through similar issues. Be blessed and see you soon!


  1. We are praying- keep standing strong. It's hard enough to make the right decisions as a teenager when you've been surrounded by a loving family all your life much less those that have only had it for a short time in comparison. You guys are blessed and doing a great thing. In the midst of the struggles and pain, remember that. God is using you beautifully.

  2. Thanks Jason for the encouragement! We are standing, a little wobbley but stronger every day. God is always faithful and we proclaim that loudly! we are waiting for the chains to fall off and the prison doors of his heart to open wide and while we wait we are praying and singing God's praises.
