Thursday, August 13, 2009

What's a Bear to do?

Today I was pulling up into my driveway when I noticed two trucks with strange contraptions on trailers behind them. I was trying to figure out what they were when it suddenly occurred to me (duh clue in on the hats that said Dept of Fish and Game) that they were bear traps. It seemed strange but than I remembered an incident that happened two nights ago.
At about 11:30 the other night as we were heading off to lullaby land, we heard a commotion in the neighbor’s yard. I tried my best to ignore it but Andrew had to figure out what it was. He was sure it was someone tampering with his greenhouse but in actuality it was the elderly lady banging pots, attempting too scare a bear out of her “bear proof” garbage cans.
So today it became apparently she was getting tired of picking up trash that was emptied from the “bear proof” cans by the obviously industrious bear and she called fish and game to have him dealt with. The thought of this occurring made me rather sad. You see, I kind of liked the bear, and admired his persistence. He has visited our garbage bin on several occasions and Andrew has had to fix and reinforce it all summer. Frustrating but expected when you live in Alaska on the edge of National forest. It is hard to get mad, he is just a bear that is much like Yogi who couldn’t resist a picnic basket even when he knew it would just get him in trouble. I, myself, have had several conversations with Mr. Bear. They go somewhat like this “bad bear, go home” “get out of the garbage bad bear”. I felt that we had a real relationship forming, and I knew that I would miss his big black head giving me the nod as he passes through our yard.
Later the Fish and Game Policeman (I am not sure what his official title but this works!) came over and informed me about the traps and what to expect. He was asking about the bear activity and we talked about my friend Bad Bear (Bad Bear is the name that he now associates with our conversations). As it turns out, Bad bear has been a really bad bear, just not at my house. He has been terrorizing the neighborhood and scaring little kids at the park so he is now known as a nuisance bear and must be relocated. Bad Bear probably doesn’t think he is doing anything particularly wrong. But the problem is that he veered off the path that he was meant to follow. Bears are supposed to forage for berries, fish and other small animals for food and nourishment. They are suppose to hang out in the woods and do things that bears do but sadly Bad Bear on his way to the berry bushes caught wind of a tantalizing odor that pulled him off his bear track and onto a dangerous path of forbidden fruits. Consequences of his actions, trapping, tagging, relocating and if all else fails death and destruction. All because he decided to stop following what he knew as what he was suppose to do and decided to follow his desires.
All this got me thinking about life and about a situation that is occurring in my family right now. We are dealing with something similar with our Son Ben (who is under guardianship, not adoption.). For the past four years, Ben has been loved, poured into and set on a path of success. His grades had improved to A’s and B’s. He was working part time in a job where his boss really cared about him and mentored him, and he was busy doing Sea Scouts contemplating joining the Coast Guard after graduation from High School. Than suddenly as he was walking on this path, appearing happy and looking forward to the future, for whatever reason he was tempted by the fruits of the world. Before we even knew what was happening he veered off of his path and decided to run away and get involved in many things that are going to hurt him. The path he is on now can only lead to problems, hurts and if he continues death and destruction. Our hearts are breaking, as we have tried everything to get him back on the right path but to no avail. Now we are faced with the heartbreaking decision whether to dissolve the guardianship so that Office of Children services can step in and try to help him or continue to hold out and hope that he will come to his senses. It hard but just like Bad bear, Ben gave into temptation.
How many times do we all fall into this trap? I would love to say that I am innocent of such things but sadly, I know that I have done the same thing and if it wasn’t for grace I would be in the same boat as Ben and other kids like him. Someone said that this current generation was consider the “Worthless Generation” but maybe it is because they haven’t been told they are on the wrong path. Maybe they haven’t experienced the grace that sets us back on track. Or maybe they are like Ben and while they have known the right path but because of the temptations that are so easily accessible they are pulled from the path and taken down roads of destruction. I don’t have all the answers, but I do have one. I walk by faith and live in Grace daily, reminded of how easily it would be to veer off but knowing that what God has for me is so much better than any garbage bin i.e. temptation could ever provide. I am hoping that eventually Ben will realize that also.


  1. Mom - you made me cry at work! That was a very powerful and touching post. I am praying for Ben daily and hoping he comes home soon.

  2. Thank you! :) God is faithful in all situations even this one that is not looking so good at the moment.
