Thursday, February 12, 2009

A light moment in a crazy day

Aren't little kids a joy? Our 5 youngest children are all between the ages of 11 and 16, and while they can be fun and hold interesting conversations they do challenge the patience and frustration levels on a daily basis. So it is nice to have a little break and be able to enjoy the innocence and pure joy of toddlers and babies sometimes.
It has been an adjustment, getting used to watching little ones again, Fia is 2, Reagan is 3 (going on 20, he is very grown up at times) and my Granddaughter Esther is almost 4 months. Of course they all have their moments, Reagan can be very stubborn and bossy and has no problem telling you what to do. He plays the big brother very well, one minute bossing his sister around and hugging on her and the next (when I am not looking) smacking on her when he wants a toy she has. He has the sweetest heart though, my day is not complete unless I get one of my Reagan hugs and the tickle monster loves to hear him laugh that sweet little belly laugh when he is being chased. Fia is a little charmer, she has the most beautiful eyes and sweetest little voice. But don't ever get into an argument with that one, she always has to have the last word, no matter what.
My sweet little Esther is so much like her mom that many times I am transported back into time holding Meg once again. She looks like her mom and is as stubborn and gets as mad as her also. But when she smiles, her whole face lights up and she raises her one eyebrow just like her daddy and my heart melts.
I absolutely love my time with these three and wouldn't trade it for anything, they teach me lessons that I thought I had already learned but obviously had long forgotten. Never argue with a 2 year old, don't hold the baby over your head, you will definetly be sorry and be mindful that most 3 year olds are very literal and don't call them transformers! I have also remembered why parenthood is really for the youthful, they can be pretty tiring and I am really liking this Nanna thing I have got going. Being a parent is great, but Nanna's can get away with much more and when they act up or get real fussy, I can send them home!
Thanks for taking a little silly break from life with me. Hope you enjoyed it!


  1. REpeat after me, D E F I N I T E L Y.

    Also, I love what you are doing. You are my center and my strength--aside from my first love, God.

    I love you!!!!

  2. The previous commentary was presented for your viewing pleasure by none other than Juneauman47, the great commentator and Kay's Hubby of 27 years.

  3. I'm glad you're enjoying being a Nana! I know Es loves having you there for her! You're the best Nana ever!

    Love you,

    Your daughter of 26+ years, Meg
